What is our Curriculum?

At the West Exe Nursery School, we believe that all children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is interesting, engaging and provides a range of learning opportunities that help develop children’s lifelong love of learning. Our children are at the heart of our Curriculum.

• Children learn at different rates and each child’s development is unique.

• Children learn best when they are happy, secure and actively involved in their own learning. We discuss children’s learning with them. We make children’s enjoyment and choices our priority.

• Effective teaching and learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage meets children’s identified needs and interests and helps children to learn and develop in all seven areas of learning and development.

• Different aspects of early learning require different approaches. Much of early maths learning is sequential: learning new concepts must build on

foundations of earlier concepts. On the other hand, learning about the world is much less sequential. The order of learning matters less than building on children’s interests and widening their horizons.

• We are open. We regularly discuss and review our work with each other,

and with parents. Discussion and review help us to ensure that children take part in learning with joy and enthusiasm. It helps us to ensure that their learning at West Exe Nursery School prepares them well for the next stage, so that they can confidently handle a transition and continue their learning journey and find their inner gold.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Please see our Thrive Video filmed here at West Exe Nursery School.


We are teaching children how to express their emotions and to develop empathy for others. All emotions are acceptable, not all behaviours. We use Thrive and our "Golden Rules" to help children understand themselves and how to be with others.

Thrive Logo

At West Exe nursery we value the importance of children’s social and emotional wellbeing. To support this, we use the Thrive approach.

Thrive is a specific programme which enables children to engage with life and learning by helping them to become more self-assured, capable and adaptable. Thrive strategies help to build resilience and confidence and foster positive relationships through play and creative activities.

Fun activities including messy play, 1:1 shared experiences, turn taking games and language development around feelings and emotions are embedded into the curriculum for all children at West Exe.

The Thrive approach draws on the latest research into brain development and attachment and helps us to understand how individual children learn. More information can be found by clicking the button below:

Thrive Website

Communication & Language

Here at West Exe Nursery School we understand that young children depend on back-and-forth interactions with responsive others to develop confidence as effective communicators and language users. We provide many opportunities for talk and build on shared attention and listening skills. We provide a language rich environment. We celebrate our diversity and families who speak more than one language.

At West Exe we aim to work together to meet the full range of needs of all children and their families, ensuring they all feel valued in our community. We work together with the English as an additional language service. 

Key Text Stories

Our key texts (please click on the link above) are stories that your children will hear when at West Exe Nursery School. We will let you know which ones we are reading via Tapestry. We sometimes plan additional activities connected with them it will depend on our observations of children at play and what next steps are needed. Please ask us if you have any questions. If you know any fantastic stories we haven’t included we would love to know which books they are. Plus if you have time to volunteer and read stories in English or another language please let your keyworker know.

Physical Development

‘Intricately interwoven with emotional, social, cognitive and language development, physical development underpins all other areas of a child’s learning and development. Extensive physical experience in early childhood puts in place the neurological, sensory and motor foundations necessary for feeling good in your body and comfortable in the world.’

Birth to five matters

Here at West Exe we are able to offer wonderful opportunities to support physical development small and large scale inside and outside in our stunning environments. This has become increasingly more valuable as we have observed more childhoods that have become more sedentary.

We highly value the benefit from outside play see outside play section.

We really do have open doors so children can chose to play inside or outside in all weathers.

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